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The first of three exhibitions present the powerful work of Los Angeles native artist Jaime Guerrero. Guerrero is one of the few and first artists in the world to sculpt life size figures in glass. Guerrero takes glass into new realms with his remarkable ability to imbue his medium with palpable emotion and spirit. He is known for manipulating glass in an unusual technique of working inside and outside hot glass to sculpt a piece. In addition to Guerrero’s singular process of hand shaping the glass, he animates his figures by occasionally applying highlights of color to the surface of these otherwise clear forms. The inherent nature of glass in its duality of strength, yet fragility, mirrors the nature of the human body and gives his work added impact.

Guerrero is featured in Craft in America’s 2017 episode, NEIGHBORS, an introduction to the vast interrelationships in the craft practices of Mexico and the United States.

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Jaime Guerrero installation at the Craft in America Center 10/14/2017 – 11/25/2017

A trio of solo exhibitions by Mexican-Californian craft pioneers. Curated by Emily Zaiden, Craft in America Center Director